Thursday, August 30, 2012

Our Faith is Strengthened, When We Close Our Eyes

The hardest thing we can do in life, when everything around us seems to be in picture perfect place, is to up and make a change. A change that turns all of our certainties into guesses, into the unknown, or... for grace of a better word , Faith! Now, this five letter word.... "faith" surely does not come by knowing and expecting any and everything to happen in decency and in order. Instead, it comes by relying on supernatural resources to kick in when we have the slightest clue as to what to do next. The moment most falter in, is the very moment that sets the best opportunity up to develop courage, tenacity and... here's that word again, faith. I don't know what tomorrow holds, let a lone a week from tomorrow. One thing I do know, is that my faith is as high as its ever been and i expect great things to happen. That certainly does not mean that I am shy away from the trying times, that I am certain will always arise. Instead, I will set my eyes on the bigger picture, so that when the hard times do come, i will readily counter them with hope for better days, and encourage you to do this too! My next venture in life, the animation world! **Rolls sleeves up** Lets get it! ;-) "Great opportunities come by seldomly, and rarely come by twice! However, with faith all things are possible.... at least they are in my case(a firm believer)" -LAS

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